Keep on flaming the fire



My coffee stained breath makes me uncomfortable. I have had a couple of sleepless nights, but this is by far the worst. And I keep intoxicating my lungs with the smoke from my cigarettes. Second pack and counting. On the table, my ash-tray lies tired. It is curved out to resemble the hippie sign, perhaps to compliment the freestyle path I trod. I am on fire, my hands are trembling and the corners of my mouth shake.

I crush a butt of cigarette on the tray, and I feel just as helpless. I feel like that spark of fire, too small to be of significance, that I have to be crushed at the end of my time. I am aching for more, my lungs are a blaze, they refuse. My mouth is dry, it begs. And so I smoke some more till I feel my eyes becoming heavy, and I…

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