Keep on flaming the fire



My coffee stained breath makes me uncomfortable. I have had a couple of sleepless nights, but this is by far the worst. And I keep intoxicating my lungs with the smoke from my cigarettes. Second pack and counting. On the table, my ash-tray lies tired. It is curved out to resemble the hippie sign, perhaps to compliment the freestyle path I trod. I am on fire, my hands are trembling and the corners of my mouth shake.

I crush a butt of cigarette on the tray, and I feel just as helpless. I feel like that spark of fire, too small to be of significance, that I have to be crushed at the end of my time. I am aching for more, my lungs are a blaze, they refuse. My mouth is dry, it begs. And so I smoke some more till I feel my eyes becoming heavy, and I…

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altAn58K1P0NGDEjsag5_9851sj05IzuhTzpMVj-ZSFdNPUThere some things in life that must be applied and utilised in their three nature state.

  1. Three things to love in these life; Honesty, purity and truth. Find someone with all three of the qualities you must be insane to dispise and hate them.
  2. Three things to cultivate…Cheerfulness, Sympathy and Contentment.With them comes up a happy and satisfied person.
  3. Three things to admire.. Intellect, Beauty, Music.Trully beauty without brain is stupid, because beauty fades bt intellect can beget wisdom and music soothes the soul.
  4. Three things to value-Time, Health, Friendship.Value your time, u value your life Meaning that you must work on your health and friendships too.
  5. Three things to respect-Old age, Religion and law.  Every second and every minute we all grow old with age, direspecting that would be disrespecting oneself.God must also be respected irrespective of peoples status and ofcos law is to be respected by all.
  6. Three things to avoid- Idleness, Falsehood and Anger.An idle mind is the devils workshop. Falsehood and anger breed pride into someones life.
  7. Three things to govern- Tongue, Temper and Thought. Tongue has power over life  and death. What someone might say can either kill you or give you life and strength. Our thoughts should be right and our tempers calm.




There was something raw about his art. Something needy in the way all his characters were painted. It was in how they looked: like they were imploring for something deeper, something more meaningful, perhaps even seeking atonement for transgressions. It was in how each painting carried him and made him feel like he was floating. Since he had learnt he could paint, he took refuge in it. He liked that he could reveal to the world what hell he was going through and none but him could decipher. He liked how he would scream his lungs out on this canvas but he was also in authority of those who would perceive his cries.

He had just finished painting a man and a woman dancing in a ballroom. He had chosen yellow for the chandelier, he wanted a dimly set up room to create an intimate feel. To create some bond that…

View original post 830 more words

Inside the mind of an African man

Due to globalization, humans have developed both intellectually and psychologically.. Well at least some have. Man being the most interesting creation ever made, is the most complex and difficult to understand. From the way he views things,sees life,responds to different stimuli in the environment, its true to say that though we may assume or think that we understand man, we don’t.. Because he keeps on changing.

NowI take a look at the African man for instance. Yes man here stands for the male gender in the African society and the human race. The African man; bold,energetic, authoritative and some what domineering. Some will say its a small group who are this way but I beg to defer..this is the reflection of the majority of African men. Their egos are even bigger than anything else ,this could be their DNA. As I search the answers do take a look at an African man around you .He knows or thinks that his the king of the jungle,well thats not a bad idea until he begins having bad ideas…….